
Top 10 Proven valuable Ways to Generate Qualified Leads 

 March 11, 2020

By  Alex

Awesome, now let’s talk about something fun, how you can generate leads for your business and what is lead generation in digital marketing .

Their way in which customers perceive advertising has drastically changed over the years. This means that as a business, how you will be generating your leads have to change too.

They say that the best ads do not seem like an advertisement. They are simply content that you have created which your potential client engages with. With that said, you need to constantly test what works and what doesn’t. Then put in place new tactics so that you can focus on what works best for your business and generate more revenue.

The most important aspects of lead generation for businesses that you should focus on are outlined below: areas outlined below…

1. Have a website

Your business needs to have a website.

Having a website will help you establish a strong presence online. This will attract potential customers that you have a targeted audience using organic sources. Also, a website allows you to provide useful and valuable information to your target customers.


how to generate leads online

When visitors interact and engage with the content that is on your website. You can be sure that they will always come back to check if you uploaded new content for them.

Having a website makes it easier for you to give your visitors a personal experience. Depending on the buyer’s stage that they are in, they get to see the information that is most relevant to them.

2.  Ensure Your Contact Information is Visible

While designing your website, ensure that your contact information is easily found. Don’t make your client stranded looking for the about us page, or contact us page when they want to contact you.

Better yet,  you could provide your clients with the option of providing their details so that they can be contacted later. Information where they get to leave you with their contact information.

3. Make Your Site Easy to Navigate

When your site is easily navigable, your quality leads will not feel frustrated when seeking relevant information they need concerning your business. Information should be easy to find. That way a client does not feel frustrated about looking for information that they cannot find yet need.

how to generate leads online for your business

You need to remember the amount of energy and time that it took you to create different content. Then distributing them in different places so that you can attract a visitor to your website.

When you finally get the attention of a new audience on what your business or product is all about. You should not risk losing them simply because your site is hard to navigate. Or even smaller things such as your contact information placed wrongly.

4. Use opt-in forms

Ensure that you are giving your visitors a piece of information that is valuable to them. That way they get to opt-in accessing the content but in turn giving you their email address. This could be something as simple as subscribing to your mailing list, you don’t have to think hard about it.

The point is that you need to collect their contact s that you can reach out to them again. When you release a new type of content or when you have a new product that you would like for them to try out.

5. Have landing pages

Having a landing page is a critical element for your lead generation to be s successful. You get to capture leads by collecting their email address through the landing page.

You need to ensure that you have a high-quality landing page. That way it will be easier for your visitors to give you their information. Also, you can play around with it and change it for you to maximize the number of people that you will be converting from your page.

how to generate leads online for your business

One important thing to take to note is that ensure that the information of your landing page is clear simple. Let it automatically grabs the attention of your users by showing them the value that they get form your offer.

6. Call To Actions

When your website messaging is right. You are clear about the offer you are promising your web visitor. The last crucial thing that you will do is tell them what to do.  Present them with a call to action button.

Let people know the action that you want them to take next. Ensure that it is simple that way they do not get confused about what they are supposed to do exactly.

Ensure that your call to actions is:

  1. Clear for them to understand and
  2. Compelling enough for them to be able to respond almost in an instant.
  3. Well positioned on your website.

Making it easier for them to contact you or even respond to you and take the required action.

Things to Avoid

Lastly, make sure that you are not continuously bumping your call to action messages on your visitor’s face. Like… Buy now! Offer to end soon! Don’t miss out!…

What the call to action message is on your landing page. If your web visitor is there to read your information. Respect their time and let them read your blog in peace.

When you notice that they have read up to a certain point of your blog posts. Then you can bring in the call to action or when you notice that they are about to leave. Then you can bring in the call to action message.

6. Email marketing

If you are successful enough to get your website visitors, trust you with their email address in exchange for gated content, webinar or even a free trial. It does not guarantee that you will make a sale from them.

You need to set up an entire email marketing campaign, where you send your customers several emails series in their email. That way you continue to nature them with relevant useful information about what your brand or even product represents.

7. Blogs

Blogging is a critical element for any lead generation process. This is because you get to use them in different ways when you are approaching your marketing strategy.

generate qualified leads for your business

Ensure that you develop a blog that is full of valuable and relevant content. A topic which your

In the long run, blogs not only help you get new clients through search engines. But the web visitors will engage with.

position you as an authority leader in your industry. This will give you leverage that you can be trusted.

It makes it way easier for clients to trust you and be ready to do business with you when you are an expert in the industry.

8. Re-targeting able

It is also important for you to re-target web visitors who clicked your ad and went to your landing page. But somehow life got in the way and they weren’t able to proceed to with buying from you.

One thing is a guarantee is that they will always come back to use the internet. Even though they might not come back to your website, you need to be able to remind them of your product by showing them another advert. Basically what you are doing is re targeting them.

That way you get to maximize the costs of acquiring this new lead. You re-target them till they buy or die, haha just kidding… or am I?

The whole point is to try and re-engage them on different platforms with a slightly different message. Till you capture their attention so that they get to take the call to action that you desire for them.

9. Clients Referral

The internet has made it easier for us to obtain clients, but that can never take away the place of the belly to belly conversation. When you have your first client and they liked the kind of experience that they had with you. Then it will be much easier for them to talk with their friends and even refer your business to someone else. In the long run, this will enable your business to grow.

This is something that has happened to one of our companies. We were providing excellent internet service and delivering in the promise that we made. In turn, our clients started referring us to their friends.

The new clients that we got, were struggling to sell their products online and so they were referred to us, we helped them generate leads online and sell their products.

That is partly how we are growing our business by helping other businesses grow.

It will be so much easier for your business to convert new clients who have been referred by previous clients whom you have worked with.

With that said you should always strive and focus on providing an excellent service with your current clients.

10. Use Google and Facebook Ads

When it has all been said and done. You will still be required to spend money in order for you to get money. If you are new to using Google Ads and Facebook Ads it will be best if you can work with an agency like TP Media Marketing , a lead generation agency in Nairobi, Kenya.We  offer lead generation services and have proved case studies of growing other businesses.

The other option, you can go to YouTube, it has dozens of information on how to run Facebook ads and google ads. Pick someone that you know, like and trust and learn.


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